A day after an Instagram influencer from Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad was fined by Uttar Pradesh police for stopping her car midway on a highway to make a reel, another young man was fined for standing on the roof of a car after the video of his stunt went viral on social media.
The video of the man was shared on Twitter and attracted criticism, the Lucknow Police slapped a fine of ₹ 500 for violating road safety rules.
“Taking inspiration from father’s princess in #Ghaziabad, #lucknow father’s prince made film style #video on the bridge from Janeshwar Mishra Park. Will be interesting to see…how many challans Lucknow traffic police will send to this man, will it be more than ₹ 17000,” the caption reads when roughly translated from Hindi. The video was posted by Dr Ahtesham Siddiqui. Mr Siddiqui in his caption implied that it will be interesting to see how much will Lucknow police fine this young man after an Instagram influencer, identified as Vaishali Chaudhary Khutail was fined ₹ 17,000 in Ghaziabad.
He posted a video of a man posing on the roof of his Mahindra Thar.
Watch the video here:
The number plate of the car is also visible in the video, which soon went viral.
The Lucknow Traffic Police responded to the video: “The challan action has been taken by the traffic police as per the rules.”
According to another tweet shared by a social media user, the traffic police sent the man a fine of ₹ 500. The user also attached a picture of the fine.
The fine contains information about the vehicle, such as the owner’s name and the registration number.
The vehicle owner has been charged with violating traffic rules.