New Delhi: Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, who is on a pan-India foot march, ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’, said that the BJP-led government is trying to build a case against him without reason by getting security forces to say he is repeatedly violating security protocol during the Yatra, and sending letters asking him to stop due to Covid concerns. He also pointed to BJP’s roadshows, asking how are those not violations of Covid protocol.
“Home Ministry says you go in a bulletproof vehicle. How can I do that? I have to walk on foot for the yatra…they know what needs to be done for security, they are marking an issue,” he added.
He reiterated that the Yatra is aimed to unite the nation against hate. “It has been a successful Yatra for us. It has achieved a lot of results — issues of unemployment, and rising prices have found a resonance amongst the people,” he said, adding that he is trying to give the country “a new way to think”.
Responding to jibes by the BJP on his march, Mr Gandhi said the BJP does a lot of campaigns, but “can’t fight the truth”.
“They have a lot of money but whatever you do you can’t fight with the truth,” he said, adding that he started without any pre-conceived notion, and learnt a lot from this journey.
“I would like to thank the RSS and the BJP for their criticism, it helps us become stronger. They are my gurus,” he added.
On repeated questions about him walking in a t-shirt in freezing Delhi, he said he doesn’t feel cold yet and will wear more clothes if he does.”After the Yatra, I will make a video about what’s the secret,” he said.