Karnataka Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao on Tuesday said the state government will take steps to increase the age to purchase tobacco products to 21 years from 18. In this regard, the government will be bringing in amendments to the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act, he told reporters here.
Also, the government is mulling not to give permits to hookah bars in the state, the minister added.
The decision in this regard has been taken in the meeting jointly held by their ministries. Rao also said that consumption and sale of tobacco are prohibited near temples, and hospitals along with schools.
“The youth are attracted towards hookah bars and it is impacting their health adversely. After smoking, the youth are getting attracted towards drugs and narcotics substances. The use of tobacco products served as the foundation in this direction and the government is addressing the root cause of the problem,” he added.
Dinesh Gundurao told reporters that prominent oncologist Dr Vishal Rao US had earlier proposed the ban on hookah bars. “Consuming tobacco and related products causes adverse health effects. Earlier governments had taken measures and tried to bring in changes from time to time. Even during Siddaramiah’s first term as chief minister, there were attempts to ban hookah and to create no-smoking zones in urban areas. We even got an award from the United Nations for this initiative. Karnataka has always been at the forefront of banning such products.”