Jaipur: Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has apologised for his statement regarding alleged corruption in the Judiciary. In his reply filed in the Rajasthan High Court (Jaipur Bench) on Tuesday, Gehlot said that whatever he had said was not his views.
“Former judges have also given statements many times regarding corruption in the judiciary. Even in my statement, I expressed my views quoting them. I have faith and respect for the judiciary and still, if my statement has hurt the dignity of the judiciary, I tender my apologies,” said Gehlot in his reply.
Next hearing on November 7
Taking the statement of CM Ashok Gehlot on record, the division bench of Chief Justice AG Masih in the High Court has fixed the next hearing of the case on November 7. Senior advocate Pratik Kasliwal who appeared on behalf of CM Gehlot said that the documents of statements given by former judges have been submitted along with the reply of CM Gehlot in the court.
CM accused the judiciary of corruption
Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, while talking to the media in Jaipur on August 30, had alleged corruption in the judiciary and said that there are instances where judges gave the judgement written by the advocates. It is happening in both the upper and lower judiciary.
The statement created a raw and lawyers across the state protested against this. Some PILs were also filled and High Court had issued notice to CM Gehlot to file a reply on this.