Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday posted a wish for the new year as the country was soaked in celebrations while ringing in 2023. On Twitter, the Congress leader shared a video with glimpses of the Bharat Jodo Yatra, which began in September. “Here’s hoping that in 2023, every lane, every village, every city has a “Mohabbat ki Dukaan” (a shop that sells love),” he wrote in the post, loosely translated from Hindi. “Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year!” the Congress MP from Kerala’s Wayanad further added.
The grand old party’s Bharat Jodo Yatra is set to end in Jammu and Kashmir this month after covering several states. The mass contact programme is the party’s biggest attempt in nearly a decade at rekindling its connect with prospective voters amid preparations for various state elections and 2024 national polls after facing back-to-back defeats since the 2014 Lok Sabha polls.
On Saturday, Rahul Gandhi – while addressing a presser – spoke about the speculation over non-participation of top Uttar Pradesh leaders: Akhilesh Yadav and Mayawati. “Hatred and love are diametrically opposite…But many people want to spread love. I know Akhilesh ji and Mayawati ji don’t want hatred. Rishta toh hai…” he said. A show of strength of opposition leaders in UP would have been a boost ahead of the next poll season.
Meanwhile, with his “love” and “hate” jibes, Rahul Gandhi has been targeting the BJP ever since he kicked off the mass campaign. He has also targeted the RSS, the BJP’s ideological parent, in his poll speeches.
Many of his party colleagues have been talking about him being viewed as the face of opposition for the 2024 elections. “Rahul Gandhi does not do politics for power, but for the people of the country who make anyone sit in power,” Kamal Nath was quoted as saying this week by news agency PTI.
(With inputs from PTI)