On Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that during the COVID-19 pandemic, life-saving tools like drugs, vaccines, and medical equipment were weaponized. He also claimed that his administration has been working tirelessly to reduce India’s reliance on foreign nations for its healthcare needs.
Speaking during a post-budget webcast on “Health and Medical Research,” Modi claimed that while India’s health sector has long been plagued by a lack of an integrated strategy and long-term vision, his administration had taken a “whole of government” approach to solving the problem.
He emphasised the many steps his administration has taken to encourage entrepreneurship in the industry, saying that our businesspeople should make sure India doesn’t need to import any technology and becomes self-sufficient.
Ayushman Bharat and Jan Aushadi centres where medications are sold at lower prices
Ayushman Bharat, a government health insurance programme, and Jan Aushadhi centres, where medications are sold at lower prices, have saved residents, respectively, Rs 80,000 crore and Rs 20,000 crore, the prime minister said, adding that making healthcare inexpensive has been a key focus.
Modi urged the country’s pharmaceutical industry to build on the trust it gained during the outbreak and capitalise on it.
According to him, there should be a distinction between the health sector’s pre- and post-Covid periods because the pandemic demonstrated how even developed healthcare systems in wealthy nations can be decimated by a catastrophe of this magnitude.
According to him, his administration prioritises individuals’ total wellness over just health treatment.
Health ecosystem is developing in tier 2 cities
A health ecosystem is now developing in tier 2 cities and other smaller settlements thanks to the expansion of key health care infrastructure, the expert claimed.
According to him, the government is putting a lot of effort into making sure that individuals have access to testing and treatment centres close to where they live.