New Delhi: The Punjab Police and the Border Security Force (BSF) on Friday recovered a hexacopter drone near the Indo-Pak border in the Tarn Taran district, which was carrying heroin packets. The drone was equipped with modern technology and was carrying heroin weighing 5 kg. “@TarnTarnPolice in a joint search operation with @BSF_India have recovered a Hexacopter drone equipped with modern technology & packets containing #Heroin weighing 5Kgs from fields near the Indo-Pak border,” DGP Punjab police said on Twitter.
Multiple drones have been gunned down or recovered so far in the ongoing operation in the Indo-Pak border areas of Punjab. On November 30, a drone was recovered in Tarn Taran’s Wan Tara Singh village by the BSF. It fell down in a field after being hit by a bullet from the BSF troopers on November 28. The Deputy superintendent of police (DSP), Bhikhiwind, Preetinder Singh said the drone was recovered from a field near the barbed wire fence during their search.
Similarly, the police and BSF seized another hexacopter along with 7.5 kg of heroin on November 28 in Kalash Havelian village. The BSF troopers deployed following a buzzing sound of a suspected drone entering from Pakistan. The hexacopter, weighing around 20 kg, has the capacity to carry huge payloads. It can also be programmed to return to a specific place after it drops off a consignment.
According to the Punjab Police, the ongoing drive is being carried out as a part of Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann’s commitment to making the state safe and secure. “As per the vision of CM @BhagwantMann, #PunjabPolice is totally committed to a safe and secure Punjab,” it said.