Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Tuesday reviewed Covid preparedness in Delhi’s Safdarjung Hospital as countrywide drills took place to ensure readiness in fight against the virus. “Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said – in view of the Covid situation worldwide – that we have to stay alert,” the Health Minister said while talking to reporters. The central government has held a slew of meetings since last week after the explosive surge in China cases caught the world’s attention. Nearly 18 per cent of the neighbouring country’s population is estimated to have been affected amid the current surge, believed to be driven by Omicron subvariant BF.7.
“We have to ensure readiness. The government is making sure that the virus does not spread in the coming days. We also want to make sure that hospitals are ready to tackle caseload if the situation arises. Just the way Delhi’s Safdarjung Hospital is ready, we want other hospitals to be ready too. State health ministers are making sure the protocol is followed everywhere,” he further asserted.
The Health Minister also shared his photos of himself participating in the drill on Twitter. Last week, the central government had sent advisories to states on making sure that enough medical oxygen was available. Lessons were learnt worldwide when Covid cases had peaked, putting the health infrastructure – even in the most developed nations – under pressure.
On Sunday, Christmas was celebrated across India without restrictions for the first time since the onset of pandemic two years ago. But the government has advised people to wear masks in crowded places. It has also told states to ensure that Covid appropriate behaviour is followed.
Ahead of New Year’s celebrations, the Karnataka government on Monday said that wearing of masks would be necessary. In Delhi, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia asked officials to ramp up facilities at hospitals.
Last week, PM Modi – at a high-level meeting had reminded that Covid was not over yet.