In a scathing attack against BJP, former Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray on Wednesday said that the party is lying on Vedanta-Foxconn semiconductor plant and Centre is giving huge incentives to project after it was moved to Gujarat.
A political firestorm has erupted in Maharashtra after Vedanta-Foxconn opted for Gujarat for its Rs 1.54 lakh crore semiconductor plant. Vedanta, an Indian oil-to-metals conglomerate, and Taiwanese electronics giant Foxconn have formed a joint venture to set up the plant in Gujarat. The unit was earlier proposed to be set up at Talegaon near Pune city in Maharashtra.
Members of the ruling dispensation and the opposition in Maharashtra have been attacking each other over the issue.
Other points in his speech:
- He also dared union home minister Amit Shah to defeat upcoming BMC polls.
- “Muslims, non Marathi speaking are with the party even though BJP tries to divide them,” he added.
- Shiv Sena will give a befitting reply to those who speak of finishing it off, Thackeray further said at Mumbai rally.
- He exhorted booth coordinators to gear up for the BMC elections and urged them to treat the upcoming elections as the first election and work tirelessly for the victory.