Delhi: Amid the high voltage drama of the controversy on the BBC documentary on PM Modi, Delhi University has announced screening of the documentary on Friday. The documentary is scheduled to be screened at 6 pm in the evening in the arts faculty.
The screening of the documentary is demanded by students believing in the leftist ideology. However, the management of university has taken steps to cancel the screening.
Earlier the screening of BBC Modi documentary was conducted in Delhi’s JNU and West Bengal’s Jadavpur.
About BBC Modi documentary
The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) has caused a huge row in India by launching the two-part series in the country. They had aired the first episode last week before the Centre stepped in and banned it across Twitter and YouTube.
Protests across India
The documentary titled ‘India: The Modi Question’ is based on the 2002 Gujarat riots when PM Modi was the state’s Chief Minister. The Indian government has termed the series a “propaganda piece”.
Screening of the documentary has been stopped at several cities across the country, including the national capital Delhi where it was being shown at popular universities like the JNU and Jamia Milia Islamia.
Massive protests took place at both the colleges after administration stopped the screenings by taking various measures like cutting off electricity in the campus.