A recent study, as reported by the Daily Mail, suggests that nearly half of women have a contingency plan prepared in case of a separation from their current partner. This backup plan typically involves considering another person, often referred to as Plan B, in the event of a breakup. Interestingly, married women are more inclined to have a fallback option in place compared to women in relationships.
According to the study, the alternative partner is commonly an old friend who has harbored romantic feelings for the woman. Additionally, an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband, a colleague, or a gym friend were also mentioned as potential candidates by respondents in the survey.
Approximately 1,000 women participated in the survey, and some revealed that their backup plan had been someone they knew for as long as seven years. Moreover, one in ten women disclosed that their Plan B had already expressed their feelings for them.
More than four in ten women reported becoming acquainted with their alternative partner while being in their current relationship. A small percentage even admitted that their feelings for their backup plan were on par with those for their current partner. Astonishingly, around twelve percent of women stated that their emotions for Plan B were “stronger” than for their present partner.
Most women who participated in the survey admitted that their current partners were aware of their backup plan. Some partners were accepting of jokes made about the backup plan, while others felt uneasy discussing it.
Interestingly, some women revealed that their fallback partner was a friend of their current partner. However, to ease men’s concerns, one in three women expressed doubt regarding the likelihood of anything substantial happening with Plan B.