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What irritates Omar on movement of LG Sinha when major roads are closed in Srinagar?

Sri Krishen Kaw

Former Chief Minister J&K and  vice president of Jammu and Kashmir National Conference Omar Abdullah took a jibe while addressing a meeting of party workers at Jammu on Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha terming him as uncrowned king where in his honor all major roads are being closed for a longer intervals of time to pass on his cavalcade in Srinagar. A million dollar question arises here that by closing all major roads during the VVIP movement does it mean that administration is habitual to do so or it is due to security reasons which indicate that the situation in Kashmir is not conducive.

However,  Omar feels that the situation in Jammu & Kashmir is not favourble and if it had been so, then our LG may have to ride a bicycle and moved all around he likes instead of protocol he keeps three times more than the Prime Minister has in New Delhi. Omar imitated also the sound made by the vehicles sent before any movement of VVIP.

While addressing the gathering, Omar expressed resentment over the report filed on behalf of central government over the day to day hearings on abrogation of Article 370 & 35A in the Supreme Court of India that since  August 2019 many projects have been come up as developmental works in J&K and all that but infact the foundations of these very projects were laid during our regime only claimed Omar. What central government failed to plead before the SC was the data of targeted killings that took place after abrogation of Art370 in Kashmir. In short we want to explain once again that abrogating Article 370 and 35A was in no way in favour common interests of people hence to avoid any confrontation people were confined to indoors or days together on August 5,2019 the darkest day in the history of Indian democracy when erstwhile state of Jammu & Kashmir was divided into two parts and reduced to mere union territories, Omar reminded.

This is an admitted fact that militancy has been revived afresh in Kashmir that too in the regime of LG Manoj Sinha and Raj Bhawan is misleading central government on the facts for reasons best known to them and in return centre also believes the LG administration blindly perhaps for being their favourite one and has been making merry keeping all the state ‘Bandobast’ around him and his men at helms as a result of which the common people of Jammu & Kashmir have to suffer at different fronts which include price rise of essentials, unemployment and many more, Omar maintained.

The day LG Manoj Sinha moves freely without stopping traffic for his cavalcade from Raj Bhawan to airport we will definitely start believing that situation is normal in J&K. They may say loudly in Supreme Court that everything is normal Kashmir but the same is far far away from the truth. The truth is that the situation in Jammu and Kashmir is not conducive that is why assembly elections are not being held here but Supreme Court is told that all is well in J&K opines Omar Abdullah.

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