News Insider 24×7

Unidentified Men misbehave, abuse News Insider 24×7 female staff

Jammu: Unidentified individuals engaged in misbehavior and abuse towards a female reporter from News Insider 24×7 in Jammu near Reliance Bazar this evening. According to our reporter, two unidentified persons approached her and behaved in an undisciplined manner, using unparliamentary language. When the reporter attempted to record their actions with her mobile device, they tried to snatch it. Fortunately, due to her alertness, they were unsuccessful and fled the scene.

Photographs of the accused individuals will be broadcasted to aid in their identification. If anyone recognizes them, please contact us at the provided number. The identity of the informant will be kept confidential.

Contact: 7298682665

Meanwhile, matter has been brought into the notice of SHO P/S Nowabad, Surinder Raina. He without wasting any time launched a manhunt to nab the culprits so that it will be a lesson to those unscrupulous elements of the society who usually indulge eve teasing activity.



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