At Bengaluru airport, two passengers of Thai AirAsia were arrested for carrying 48,000 cigarettes valued at Rs 8.2 lakh. Additional sources mentioned that these individuals had travelled on a Thai AirAsia flight that arrived at the airport from Bangkok at 10:15 pm on Monday.
Sources within the Bengaluru Customs’ air intelligence unit have reported that the two men arrived at the airport with four suitcases. Upon inspection, customs officials discovered cigarettes within the suitcases. Notably, these cigarettes were predominantly international brands that were prohibited for sale within India unless accompanied by a valid license.
“They were arrested as they tried to pass through the Green Channel. Upon inspecting their checked-in luggage, we discovered and confiscated 48,000 cigarette sticks valued at Rs 8.16 lakh. Both individuals have been detained in accordance with the regulations outlined in the Customs Act,” stated a senior customs official.