Actor Mushtaq Khan, best known for his role in Akshay Kumar starrer Welcome, has shared the harrowing ordeal of being kidnapped from the Delhi-Meerut highway. The actor was allegedly lured under the pretext of attending an award show in Meerut on November 20, but things quickly took a dark turn. His business partner, Shivam Yadav, spoke to India Today Digital, revealing how the actor was tricked into boarding a car that would take him far from Delhi.
Khan was reportedly invited to the event with flight tickets and an advance payment sent to his account. However, upon landing in Delhi, he was picked up and driven to a secluded area near Bijnor, where he was held hostage by his kidnappers for nearly 12 hours. They tortured him and demanded a ransom of one crore rupees. Despite the ordeal, the kidnappers only managed to take Rs 2 lakh from Khanâs and his sonâs bank accounts.
According to Shivam, Mushtaq Khan was able to escape after hearing the morning azaan. Realising there was a mosque nearby, Khan seized the opportunity and ran from the location, seeking help from locals. With the assistance of the police, Khan made it back home safely.
âMushtaq sir and his family were completely shaken over what happened to him. However, he was always sure that he would file an FIR after he composed himself. Yesterday, I went to Bijnor and filed an official FIR. We have proof of the flight ticket, the bank accounts, and even CCTV footage near the airport. He also recognises the neighborhood, even the house where he was kept. I think the police team will surely catch the culprits soon,” Shivam shared.
The abduction bears eerie similarities to a recent incident involving comedian Sunil Pal, who was also duped into attending an event that led to his kidnapping. This has raised questions about the possibility of a syndicate targeting celebrities under the guise of event invitations to extort money.
Shivam added, âWe had no clue about the case. After Mushtaq sir returned, we spoke about the incident with a few of our close friends. When Sunilâs case was highlighted in the media, they informed us about the same. It is shocking that two public figures from the industry had to go through a similar ordeal. We hope there is awareness and protection in the future for everyone.”
As of now, Mushtaq Khan is said to be doing well and is expected to address the media in the coming days to share his full experience.