Comedian Zakir Khan’s talk show Aapka Apna Zakir premiered on Sony TV last weekend with Karan Johar, and stree 2 actors Shraddha Kapoor, and Rajkummar Rao as guests. In its second week, the show hosted the casts of Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba and vedda On Sunday, actors John Abraham, Sharvari, and Abhishek banerjee alongside Vedaa director Nikkhil Advani, joined Zakir Khan for a fun conversation. On the show, John recalled a memory from Pathaan’s success party, when he jokingly told Shah Rukh Khan that he wanted a bike. Shah Rukh actually made John’s wish come true.
Recalling the story on Aapka Apna Zakir, John said, “My last film Pathaan was with Shah Rukh. I remember there was a success party after the film’s release, and Shah Rukh was like, ‘Come on John, let’s party! Apni picture chal rahi hai. Achha opening mila hai.’ I said that I wanted to stay home and sleep. Toh unhone bola kya chahiye tumhe? Maine bola ek motorcycle de do bas. Toh unhone mujhe motorcycle gift ki. Main khush ho ke gaya ghar. (I remember, after the film, there was a success party and Shah Rukh was very excited. I told him that I wanted to stay home and sleep, and he asked me what I wanted. I told him that I wanted a bike, and he gave me one).”
John has also praised SRK on a recent podcast. Appearing on Ranveer Allahbadia’s show, he had called the superstar ‘smart, intelligent, but also very caring and cute’. He also shared how they got along quite well during Pathaan, in which John played the villainous Jim.
Pathaan became one of the biggest films in the history of Indian cinema, and to celebrate its success, John gifted himself a swanky Suzuki Hayabusa worth Rs 17 lakh. Being a motorcycle enthusiast, John has had an impressive collection of bikes. John isn’t the first person to receive a bike as a gift from Shah Rukh Khan. In 2013, after the success of Chennai Express, Shah Rukh Khan also gifted an Ed Hardy bike to director Rohit Shetty.