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Russian journalist accused of spreading ‘fake news’ on Ukraine flees the country

Russia-Ukraine War: Marina Ovsyannikova’s on-air protest against the Russian war in March.(AFP)

Former Russian state TV journalist who was accused of spreading “fake news” about the military, fled the country after escaping from house arrest, her lawyer has said.

Marina Ovsyannikova is now “under the protection of a European state”, her lawyer informed. Her lawyer declined to say anything further as “it may turn out to be a problem for her”, Sky News reported.

Marina Ovsyannikova made international headlines when in March she walked out in front of studio cameras and denounced the war in Ukraine. During a news broadcast on Channel One Marina Ovsyannikova held a placard that read, “Stop the war” and “They’re lying to you”.

Marina Ovsyannikova quit her job after the protest and became an activist, staging anti-war protests. She was fined 30,000 roubles for flouting protest laws.

Marina Ovsyannikova was arrested and placed under house arrest in August.

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