In Rajasthan’s Nagaur district, an extraordinary story has captured the attention of the locals. Purkharam, a resident of this village, has been living a highly unusual life due to a rare sleeping disorder known as Axis Hypersomnia. This condition makes him sleep for 300 days every year, reminding people of the legendary character Kumbhakarna from the Ramayana, who famously slept for six whole months.
Axis Hypersomnia, thought to be connected to changes in a brain protein called TNF-alpha, has affected Purkharam for 23 years since he was first diagnosed. Once he falls asleep, it’s very difficult to wake him up, and his family takes care of essential tasks like feeding and bathing while he’s in a deep slumber.
Because of this disorder, Purkharam can’t take part in everyday activities like others. Despite running a small village grocery shop, he can only keep it open for a short five days each month, afraid he might fall asleep while working. His unpredictable sleep patterns make things even more complicated, affecting his ability to get things done and how he lives his life.
In the beginning, Purkharam slept for around 15 hours a day, which worried his family. They tried to get medical help to find a solution, but unfortunately, there was no cure for his condition. As time passed, his sleeping time increased from hours to several days.
Even with medicines and long periods of sleep, Purkharam always feels tired, which stops him from doing much. He also has strong headaches that make his daily life even harder.
Yet, hope lives on within Purkharam’s family. His wife, Lichmi Devi, and mother, Kanvari Devi, never stop believing in his recovery and his chance to go back to a normal life. Their constant support and positive thinking help the family face the tough times they go through.