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Our non-participation in contesting Panchayati elections was a big mistake’: Dr Farooq

Expressing his deep regrets over the non-participation in contesting Panchayati elections by his party, former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir and National Conference president Dr Farooq Abdullah regretted that it was a big mistake on our side that we did not partcipated in the previously held DDC elections due to poll boycott.

Without naming BJP, he said that central government wants to change the demography of J&K by giving voter rights to 25 lakh non locals but we will fight against it democratically. Our party is going to contest ensuing elections in Jammu and Kashmir of our own and with full might and it hardly matters to us whether there were  twenty five lakhs non local voters or fifty lakhs ,he acclaimed. He appealed to youth and first time voters and left overs in J&K to prepare immediately their voter cards for good participation in the elections. This was stated by National Conference president Dr Farooq Abdullah during an interview to News Insider 24×7 digital web portal and Public Herald newspaper.

He said New Delhi Government wants to get two -third majority from Jammu and Kashmir to justify and pass the Bill regarding abrogation of Article 370 and 35A in the Parliament which was removed on August 5,2019,Dr Farooq added.

Expressing his shock over the resignation letter tendered by Congress stalwart Ghulam Nabi Azad,Dr Farooq said his pull out from the party at this juncture have shooked me ,I ought he should have shown some more patience until he would have met the  party high command before taking this step. Anyway I will say that Azad was not simply a Congressman but he is a leader of national repute.Since his college days way back in seventies’ he was affiliated to Congress and over a period of four decades or so he earned name, fame and maintained a high level positions in national politics besides he discharged his duties of ministries at different intervals of time, Dr Farooq maintained.

Though he spent more of his time in serving the nation outside his state, but he also remained one time chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir. There are reports that Ghulam Nabi Azad is likely to float his new party in Jammu and Kashmir, on this development Dr Farooq expressed happiness and said “let him come over here the land is fertile ,he is most welcome”.

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