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Need based labour likely to approach Judiciary against Social Forestry Department

Ajay Sharma

Rajouri, July 3, 2022

Aggravated over the alleged apathetic and indifferent approach of the officers of the social forestry department, a need based labour of the same department is likely to knock on the doors of the judiciary against the departmental ‘prejudice’.

According to reports, a whistleblower, who happens to be a need based labour of the social forestry department, has been victim of departmental reprimand over his active participation in the exposure of corruption in the department.

“This need based employee is revealing many misdeeds in the department, but instead of appreciating his role, the department has ordered an enquiry against him on frivolous allegations,” said sources, adding that this social worker believes in the slogan of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and works in the direction ‘Na Khaunga, Na Khane Doonga’ (neither will I indulge in corruption, nor allow anyone else to indulge in it).

Sources said that the department has conducted multiple enquiries against this need based casual labour, only to suppress his voice.

“It is not sin to raise voice against corruption, but it is certainly a crime to suppress the voice of the whistleblower,” said sources, adding that in the past couple of months, the director Social Forestry is sleeping over the enquiry report, thus causing an unnecessary harassment.

They said Mahendra Gupta, regional director Jammu is sleeping over the enquiry report, despite the fact that it has been completed and the report is in favour of casual labour.

Sources said that the casual labour is planning to approach the judiciary against the department for allegedly withholding his salary and not releasing facts of the enquiry report.

The sources asserted that if the director failed to submit a report to the DFO within a few days, he shall approach the court against them.

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