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“Khisyani Billi Khamba Nochay”:Not UCC PM Modi wants to bring Hindutva Civil Code in India:Owaisi

Sri Krishen Kaw

“I am a Muslim and I am a citizen of India just like PM Narendra Modi is a Hindu and he is a citizen of India so, what for you need to bring Uniform Civil Code in the country” questions Assadudin Owaisi the chief of All India Majlis e Itehaad e Muslimeen (AIMIM)   while addressing a mammoth public gathering in Mumbai.
He took a dig at the statement of Prime Minister Narendra Modi that there cannot be two different yardsticks for a family in one house so the need of the hour is to bring a uniform civil code in the country for the largest interests of the people. This is what irritates Owaisi and he turns furious where as there seems nothing logical to oppose it even if government at centre wants to bring UCC for implementation. But not at all, Owaisi is a super intelligent politician  as well as religious leader who said that PM Narendra Modi does not want to bring UCC but he wants to bring Hindutva Civil Code in the country.
Owaisi on the one hand thinks that he is super intelligent but fails to understand that uniform civil code never harms any person of the country belonging to any caste, creed ,colour or religion..Owaisi did not stopped here, he continued to spit venom against BJP,RSS and even did not spared Congress as well. He alleged Congress leadership for keeping mum on the issue of UCC. The senior Congress leadership believes perhaps on wait and watch situation and give its decision on the issue according to convenience he opined.
Assadudin Owaisi basically wants to garner Muslim votes to settle his scores out of his emotional speeches so that is why he is furious and vocal to his community and very often plays a religious card to keep championing the people of his community .
Infact uniform civil code is a law of equality for all subjects of the country and has nothing to do  with, religion, community, faiths, culture, traditions or so on at all.
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