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IMD warns possibility of development of tropical storm over the western Bay of Bengal

Bhubaneswar: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Tuesday said that a tropical cyclone is likely to form over the west central Bay of Bengal around October 23 or 24.

In a statement, the IMD’s Bhubaneswar Centre said that cyclonic circulation that formed over the south Andaman Sea and the neighbourhood on Monday now lies over the north Andaman Sea and neighbourhood.

Under its influence, a low pressure area is likely to form over the southeast and adjoining east central Bay of Bengal during the next 48 hours, it said.

The system is likely to move west-north westwards and concentrate into a depression by October 22 morning over the central Bay of Bengal.

The storm is very likely to intensify further into a cyclonic storm over the west-central Bay of Bengal subsequently, the Met Centre predicted.

There will be no major rain but there is a possibility of isolated rainfall activity over Odisha up to October 23 morning.

A prevailing weather system is likely to become a cyclone

Speaking to reporters, IMD DG Mrutyunjay Mohapatra said the prevailing weather system is likely to take the shape of a cyclone around October 23 or 24.

However, he said: “We have not predicted the intensity and possible area of landfall of the impending cyclone as it is yet to take the shape of a low-pressure area.”

The IMD is closely monitoring the system, he added.

Squally weather with surface wind speeds reaching 45 to 55 kmph gusting to 65 kmph over deep sea areas of the westcentral adjoining northwest Bay of Bengal began on October 22 morning as a result of the aforementioned anticipated system.

So, the weather office has advised fishermen not to venture into deep sea areas of the west central adjoining northwest Bay of Bengal from October 22 morning onwards till further notice.

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