New Delhi: Amid the massive outbreak news of Covid-19 in China, the government of India had taken measures to prevent an outbreak in the nation. Union Health Minister Dr Mandaviya announced on Saturday that RT-PCR tests are mandatory for international travellers from South-Asian countries.
“RT-PCR test to be mandatory for international arrivals from China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong & Thailand. On arrival, if any passenger from these countries is found symptomatic or tests positive for Covid19, then he/she will be put under quarantine,” said Union Health Minister Dr Mandaviya.
Air Suvidha form which is filled to declare current health status is also to be made compulsory for international passengers arriving from China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Thailand.
Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya held a virtual meeting with state health ministers on the COVID-19 situation and preparedness at 3 p.m. on Friday.
Over the last few days, Chief Ministers of many states around the country have conducted high-level meetings with Senior Officials regarding the preparedness for Covid19 in their states.