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Chai is important: Nagpur doctor leaves surgery in the middle, goes on a 4-hour-long ‘tea break’, probe ordered

An investigation has been launched against a doctor in Nagpur after he allegedly left a sterilisation surgery (vasectomy) midway for not getting a cup of tea.

The incident happened at a government-run hospital in the city’s Mauda area where eight women were called for their vasectomy.

The case of medical negligence reportedly occurred at the Primary Healthcare Centre in Mauda tehsil on November 3.

The doctor in question, Tejrang Bhalavi, had a schedule of eight surgeries for that day, including seven tubectomies and one vasectomy.

After successfully performing surgeries on four women and administering anesthesia to the remaining female patients, Dr. Bhalavi requested a cup of tea from the hospital staff.

However, when his tea request went unfulfilled, he unexpectedly left the operating theatre, leaving the remaining surgeries incomplete.

When the hospital administration contacted the district medical officer after Doctor Bhalavi’s departure, another doctor was sent to perform surgeries on the rest of the anesthetised women, while he came back after 4 hours.

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