Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Saturday alleged that Arvind Kejriwal’s convoy was attacked during his door-to-door campaign in the New Delhi Assembly constituency for the upcoming polls. AAP accused the BJP of trying to disrupt AAP campaign by throwing a stone at Kejriwal’s car during the campaign. BJP MP Parvesh Verma, in turn, accused Kejriwal’s car of running over two people during the campaign.
AAP released a video showing the incident, claiming that a stone can be seen landing on Kejriwal’s vehicle.
“BJP candidate Pravesh Verma’s goons attacked Arvind Kejriwal with stones while he was campaigning and tried to hurt him so that he could not campaign. BJP people, Kejriwal ji is not going to be scared of your cowardly attack, the people of Delhi will give you a befitting reply,” AAP said in a post on X with a video.