Indian javelin sensation Neeraj Chopra delighted fans on Sunday by announcing his marriage on social media. Sharing heartfelt pictures from the ceremony, he wrote, “Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after. Neeraj, Himani.”
Chopra’s uncle Bhim told news agency PTI that the marriage took place in the country and the couple has left for honeymoon.
“Yes, the marriage took place in India two days back. I can’t tell the place where it took place,” Bhim told from his village at Khandra near Panipat in Haryana.
“The girl is from Sonipat and she is studying in the US. They have left the country for honeymoon and I am not aware of the places where they are going. We wanted to keep it like that,” said Bhim, who stays with the Olympic double medallist at Khandra.
The wedding comes months after Chopra won his second medal at the Olympics – a silver – in Paris. The medal in Paris followed the gold in the 2021 edition in Tokyo. Neeraj threw 89.45m in his second attempt during the final, which earned him the second place on the podium.
Since then, Neeraj went on to compete in the Diamond League, too, where he finished second, too.
As Chopra left the nation delighted with the news of his marriage, the star javelin thrower continues to make waves off the field as well. While details of his wedding are yet to unfold, it was announced earlier this week that India will host a global javelin competition in which Chopra will headline.
This event, likely scheduled for September, will bring together the world’s top-10 javelin throwers in an invitation-only tournament, with Chopra playing a key role in its organisation.
Alongside corporate giants like JSW and international partners, Chopra is helping to elevate the sport’s profile in India, especially with his push to make August 7 the ‘National Javelin Day’ – commemorating his Tokyo 2020 gold win as National Javelin Day.