Kerala Police registered two FIRs and arrested six people on Friday after an 18-year-old Dalit girl in Pathanamthitta district alleged that she had been sexually abused by over 62 persons since she was 13. Cases have been filed against 40 people as the survivor had saved the names of the accused and their contact numbers on her father’s mobile phone.
The shocking details of the serial sexual abuse came to light after the girl, who turned 18 two months ago, shared the incident with a volunteer of Kudumabashree during a home visit. The volunteers informed the district Child Welfare Committee.
Advocate N Rajeev, who heads the Pathanamthitta CWC, said the girl’s family was unaware of the alleged sexual abuse over the years.
According to Pathanamthitta Superintendent of Police V G Vinod Kumar, the cases have been registered in two police stations. More arrests are expected in the coming days. Some of the accused are minors who are the survivor’s batchmates.
The survivor is a sportsperson. An initial probe found she was abused by coaches, classmates and neighbours. One of the residents in her colony was the first to abuse her and videos were circulated in his network.