An unexpected discovery from a recent study conducted by a restaurant chain Prezzo unveils a remarkable trend: 86% of Gen Z encounters “menu anxiety,” a sensation of stress and unease when confronted with a restaurant menu.
According to Fortune Magazine, the restaurant chain asked thousands of people about how at ease they felt while eating out.
The group that reported the most ‘menu anxiety’ was Gen Z, with 34% of 18- to 24-year-olds admitting they ask other people at the table to speak to waiters on their behalf because they are too nervous to talk. That’s a significantly higher figure than the average level of anxiety felt by customers, with the overall average of those who feel awkward speaking to waiting staff standing at 21%.
“While most people look forward to dining out during the holiday season, we know-as our research shows-it can be stressful for some,” Dean Challenger, CEO of Prezzo, told The New York Post in a statement.
The fear seemed to be triggered by several factors, including the rising cost of meals, worries about not finding appealing options on the menu, and regretting what they ordered. Almost 40% of Gen Z respondents claimed they wouldn’t dine out if they couldn’t preview the menu beforehand.
Gen Z adults have also reported higher levels of general anxiety even during enjoyable activities like travelling and dining out than previous generations.