In Kolkata, West Bengal, another horrific rape crime has come to the fore. A seven-month-old baby, sleeping with her parents on a city pavement at night, was kidnapped and brutally raped by an unknown person. As per reports, the child is now in the ICU, struggling for her life in the RG Kar Medical College.
TOI reported that the city police have registered a case under the POCSO Act and have started an investigation. However, no arrests have been made so far despite interrogation of over a dozen suspects.
The baby is in the paediatrics ICU of the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital. Her condition is stable and expected to improve in a few days.
On 30 November, at around 1.45 am in the night, a Burtola resident had noticed the infant child howling on the road. He informed the police. The childâs parent had already approached the police, complaining about their missing daughter. She was soon united with her parents. Due to multiple injuries on her body and private parts, she was immediately rushed to the RG Kar MCH, police informed.