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13-yr-old girl killed, minor among 5 injured in Karnah accident

Karnah, Jul 31 : A 13-year-old girl was killed while five others were injured after a vehicle they were travelling in skidded off the road and fell into a roadside gorge in Karnah area of north Kashmir’s Kupwara district on Sunday evening.

Officials told the news agency—Kashmir News Observer KNO that a vehcile bearing registration number JK09B-9187 met with an accident at Nachian area of Karnah, resulting in onspot death of 13-year-old identified as Lareb Bilal, daughter of Bilal Ahmad and injuries to five others persons.

Soon after the incident, locals of the area and police team reached the spot and took the injured persons to the SDH Tanghdar for treatment.

The injured have been identified as Bilal Ahmad Wani, son of Lassa Wani, Gulnaz Begam, wife of Bilal Ahmad Wani, Safeena Begam, wife of Javeed Ahmad Lone, Mohsin Javeed, son of Javeed Ahmad Lone and Hadiya Bano, daughter of Bilal Wani—all residents of Hajinard Tangdhar.

A police official said that a case has been registered in this regard.

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