Uttar Pradesh: In a shocking incident of a marriage scam has come to light from Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad. The scam was done under the Uttar Pradesh Government’s Kanya Vivah Yojana in which a grant of Rs 82,000 is given to the couple who gets married in the state. The scheme was implemented for the economically weak labourers of the Labour Department. To avail the benefit of the scheme one must be registered with the Labour Department for at least 365 days.
Rs 82,000 is given to the couple who gets married under the scheme
Under the scheme an amount of Rs 82,000 is given under which Rs 65,000 is given as grant for marriage and Rs 10,000 is given for the clothes for the bride and the groom and a compensation of Rs 7,000 is given. However, the benefits of the scheme did not reach the poor as it the brokers and the middlemen fooled the labourers and swept the amount that was transferred by the government for the marriage of the poor.
The brokers got the compensation from the government
The brokers got the compensation from the government by performing false marriages of the registered labourers under the scheme on pretext of giving them Rs 10,000-20,000. They took their documents and also made them sign on various documents and said that they will be provided with Rs 10,000-20,000 for free. The brokers and the middlemen also opened fake accounts of the labourers to take the money in the account.
Rs 280 crore scam came to light from Ghaziabad
As per reports from AajTak, the scam that came to light from Ghaziabad amounts to a fraud of around Rs 280 crore after performing fake marriages of around 3,500 couples in a single day. The brokers took couples to the wedding venue and made them sit at the venue to perform marriages. The couple who performed marriages did not even know each other. Marriages were performed among couples who were not even there in the world. Marriages were also performed on fake identities.
They also clicked photographs to submit to the government
The event of marriages took place on November 24, 2022. When the brokers took the couple to the marriage event and got them married, they also clicked photographs to submit to the government as fake evidence of marriage to get the money under the scheme. However, the scam got unearthe after an altercation between the brokers and the labourers after they refused to pay them the promised amount of Rs 10,000-20,000. The labourers approached the police and registered FIR.
Bharatiya Kisan Union Kisan Shakti interferes
No action was taken against these scamsters until the Bharatiya Kisan Union Kisan Shakti interfered in the matter. The Kisan Union conducted an independent inquiry and unearthed the scam. As per the investigation, the Kisan Union found out that similar scams were also done in other districts of Uttar Pradesh. The Kisan Union approached the Lokayukta in Lucknow and registered a complaint in connection with the scam. The Lokayukta then initiated the investigation in connection with the matter.